白玉籽料瑞兽玉牌 镇守天方
龙虎形象, 是中国文化历时最久,影响最深远的守护吉祥物,具有神圣地位和威猛的力量。古人观测星象,将星宿想象为龙虎的形象。东方青龙,西方白虎,代表日出与日落,春天与秋天。镇守天方的两大龙虎神兽,运用在风水上,有“云从龙,风从虎”之说,即是要借助左右之势,以达到风云聚会之效。
Celestial Protectors
Images of the dragon and the tiger go back further in Chinese cultural history, and have had more far-reaching impact, than any other auspicious symbols of protection. They have a scared status and awesome powers are ascribed to them. The ancients, observing the positions of the stars, imagined they saw the image of the dragon in the constellation to the east, and that of the tiger to the west. The eastern green dragon and the western white tiger represented in turn the sunrise and sunset, spring and autumn. When these two great guardian beasts of the heavens were incorporated into the Chinese art of feng shui, the saying was invented that “clouds follow the dragon, wind follows the tiger.” That is, drawing on the potency of both directions was the way to achieve a concentration of great power.
[玉质] 白玉 [玉种] 籽料 [重量g] 78.2159
[尺寸mm] 63.72*46.57*9.63[编号] WD3DGJHBV88-0003